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Causes of high blood pressure, symptoms of high blood pressure, how to lower blood pressure, food that is good for high blood pressure

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 21.


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What is high blood pressure?

There are two types of blood pressure: systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Blood is sent throughout the body, where the heart acts like a pump When the heart contracts, a large amount of blood is sent, which puts great pressure on the blood vessels. The maximum blood pressure when the heart sends blood is called systolic blood pressure. Conversely, when the heart expands, the blood from the heart stops and the pressure on the blood vessels decreases. The lowest blood pressure when the heart expands is called diastolic blood pressure. High blood pressure refers to a condition in which blood pressure is high. In other words, the blood pressure on the blood vessels is chronically above the standard level.


The cause of high blood pressure

Primary hypertension

Primary hypertension is also called essential hypertension. This kind of hypertension occurs over time with no discernible cause. Most people say they have this type of high blood pressure. Researchers say it is not yet clear what mechanisms are to slowly increase blood pressure.


For example, it is believed that changes in kidney function due to aging can break the natural balance between the body's salt and body fluids. These changes can cause the body's blood pressure to rise. Over environmental time, unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as lack of physical activity and lack of diet, can damage the body. It is said that lifestyle choices can lead to weight problems. It is said that being overweight or obese can increase the risk of high blood pressure.


Secondary hypertension

Secondary hypertension often occurs quickly and can be worse than primary hypertension. Some conditions that can cause secondary hypertension include kidney disease, obstructive sleep apnea, congenital heart failure, thyroid problems, side effects of drugs, illegal drug use, alcohol abuse or chronic use, adrenal problems, and certain endocrine tumors.



Check for symptoms of high blood pressure

Abnormal vision

If your eyes become cloudy and uncomfortable, or if your eyes are bloodshot, they do not disappear easily or bloodshot often occurs. There is no specific disease in your eyes, but if you have these symptoms suddenly and your eyesight worsens rapidly, you should get a high blood pressure test.


One thing that often comes out when diagnosed with high blood pressure is probably that the chest is stuffy. The respiratory system moves normally, but it is said that breathing is stuffy or you feel like you have an upset stomach after eating food. High blood pressure patients often feel these chest tightness symptoms, so if you have chest tightness that you don't know the cause of recently, I recommend you to see a doctor at a nearby hospital.


A high fever

Patients with high blood pressure have a lot of fever, but it occurs when they have cold symptoms, but contrary to fever, even if you exercise for a while due to the heat, your body will turn red and your face will turn red even if you get angry. Since you can't be sure of diagnosing high blood pressure just by the symptoms that can occur in your daily life, it's recommended to measure it properly using a blood pressure meter, self-diagnose it, and visit the hospital.

A sleep disorder

It is said that many causes can cause difficulty falling asleep or not falling asleep deeply. High blood pressure is also one of the causes that affect sleep disorders. Sleep helps blood control stress hormones and supports the nervous system, so if you have a constant sleep disorder, it is recommended to visit the hospital and consult with your medical staff.


A headache

When blood pressure occurs, headache symptoms often appear, and these symptoms are said to be very easy to see. When blood pressure increases, there is a problem with the cerebrovascular system, so headaches occur.



If you've experienced a sudden twirl in front of your eyes as your head spins, there's a possibility that it's the beginning of high blood pressure symptoms. If you feel dizzy, high blood pressure has already progressed, and it may be at the stage where you need to take medicine, or it may be an early symptom of a more serious stroke. Stroke is also a disease caused by high blood pressure, so in this case, it is recommended to visit the hospital for examination.



How to Lower Blood Pressure

Light and regular exercise lowers blood pressure and is essential for our body's health. Light exercise is effective in sending blood from the heart to every corner of our body. Light walking exercise is good enough, and about 30 minutes a day is good. Regular exercise helps pump the heart more powerfully and efficiently, reducing arterial pressure.

Reducing sodium intake

Many studies have shown that high salt intake affects high blood pressure and heart disease, including stroke. As eating out increases and consumption of processed foods increases, sodium intake increases. People with high blood pressure need to limit their sodium intake.


Reducing Caffeine

Caffeine is not said to have such a good effect on people with high blood pressure. And if you are drinking excessive caffeine, which is not the appropriate amount, your blood pressure may rise temporarily, so it is helpful to control your caffeine intake.


Potassium intake

Potassium is an essential mineral necessary for our body, which not only helps to remove sodium, but also greatly helps to improve pressure on blood vessels, so the way to lower blood pressure is to eat foods high in potassium. Foods rich in potassium include melons, bananas, avocados, oranges, milk, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, tuna, salmon, nuts, and beans.


Giving up drinking
Moderate alcohol consumption of about one glass a day is said to help health, but the side effects of drinking may be greater than these benefits. In fact, alcohol affects blood pressure so much that it is related to 16% of hypertension patients around the world, so it is necessary to limit drinking, especially for those with high blood pressure.

Smoking cessation

Smoking not only interferes with blood flow by contracting blood vessels, but also directly damages blood vessels due to various chemicals contained in cigarettes. People who smoke frequently can continue to have high blood pressure because one cigarette lasts about 30 minutes for blood vessels to contract.


Weight loss
Most people who are obese and overweight are showing symptoms of high blood pressure. You must lose weight. Andㅜ diet control is essential, and it is said that losing weight at the same time as exercise can be a way to lower blood pressure a little. I am doing.


Food good for high blood pressure

A low-salt diet
It's important to eat low-salt meals. This has also been proven through experiments, and in hypertension patients, just reducing salt intake has reduced blood pressure levels in the systolic and diastolic phase by 16 and 9 mmHg, respectively. This is an experiment that proves how closely blood pressure and salt are related, and it can be said to be an experiment that shows how much salt Korean people consume.

In fact, we may vaguely know good and bad food from the appearance of modern people who are well known for their poor eating habits. However, it seems that he was eating food that harms the body without any consciousness because it is not real. Please take this opportunity to remember that if you want to make a diet that is good for high blood pressure, you must have a low-salt diet.

Low-fat food

Fat is said to be an enemy of the cardiovascular system because it hardens into waste products in the blood system and blocks blood vessels to prevent smooth blood flow. Therefore, it is better to maintain the minimum amount of fat required by our body by eating low-fat foods, and to avoid oily pork belly, fried foods, and fructose drinks.

