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Causes, symptoms, types, transmission, treatment, complications of conjunctivitis

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 21.

Recently, I heard that an acquaintance I was close to had conjunctivitis. Certainly, when winter comes, people around you often see people with conjunctivitis. Today, we will take a time to learn about these conjunctivitis.

From wiki

What is conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. Your eyes are red, swollen, and you get a lot of eye boogers, and it can be caused by bacteria and allergies or physical and chemical irritations.


Causes and symptoms

Bacteria, chlamydia, viruses, rickettsia, fungi, parasites, atopy, chemicals, ultraviolet rays, and dust are the causes, and treatment methods and symptoms vary depending on the cause. Usually, after an incubation period of about a week, symptoms such as itching, tears, congestion, and glare appear, and other eye pain, foreign body sensation, redness, swelling, and eye boils may also appear. It intensifies into a crisis three to four days after the outbreak, and after that, it enters the stage of recovery.






Common types of conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis, commonly referred to as epidemic eye disease, refers to a disease caused by adenovirus (mainly type 8 and type 19). It is a highly contagious conjunctivitis that requires attention. Symptoms include eye pain, foreign body sensation, and eye boogers, and clear and sticky secretions. The swelling of the eyelid is not clear, so it is different from allergic conjunctivitis.



Bacterial conjunctivitis bacterial

The cause of conjunctivitis is bacteria. Bacterial conjunctivitis is also less than viral conjunctivitis, but it is highly contagious. The main symptoms are a lot of secretions, and the secretion pattern is purulent. It is said that there is a weak swelling of the eyelid.



Allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic conjunctivitis is caused by an allergic source (mainly pollen, dust, etc.) and is not contagious. The main symptom is itching, and the secretion pattern is clear and watery, making it look like tears. The swelling of the eyelid is strong, and it often looks red as the eyes swell. Symptoms may appear only in the eyes, but there are also cases of inflammation in the nasal cavity, pharynx, and larynx.

For these allergic conjunctivitis, it is actually important to remove the allergic antigens, but there are difficulties and limitations in identifying the exact allergic antigens. Avoidance therapy may be difficult, but if the symptoms are severe, you can get help with drug therapy such as antihistamines. It is said that oral or external prescriptions help relieve acute symptoms Allergic conjunctivitis often recurs and has a chronic course.


Various symptoms of conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis symptoms vary widely. The self-aware symptoms include foreign body sensation, pain, eye boogers, tears, and itching, and although it is difficult to recognize on its own, it is said that the external symptoms can occur below or simultaneously, such as conjunctival edema, congestion, follicles, gastric membrane, and subconjunctive bleeding. These conjunctivitis symptoms worsen for about three to four days after the outbreak, but gradually subsides over time, and usually the acute symptoms disappear naturally after about 20 days. In some cases, they recover naturally, but if the symptoms are severe, they should be treated for conjunctivitis at an ophthalmologist.





Conjunctivitis transmission

It is said that conjunctivitis transmission is limited to infectious cases and is transmitted. Therefore, conjunctivitis can be transmitted by pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses.



Treatment of conjunctivitis

Treatment of conjunctivitis depends on the cause. In general, applying ice packs 3-4 times a day helps reduce itching or swelling. And be careful not to rub or touch your eyes with conjunctivitis. If the condition is severe, eye drops with antihistamines and anti-chemic effects, or artificial leaks frequently can help treat it.

If it is non-allergic, bacterial, prescribed antibiotics to treat it, and if it is viral, there is no treatment like a cold, and if you treat your body healthy, the symptoms will be alleviated a lot. Also, if your eyes are bloodshot, it is recommended to avoid wearing content lenses.



Complications of conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis symptoms mostly improve naturally with the use of the drug and over time. However, it is recommended to pay attention to complications such as secondary bacterial infection or keratitis, and follow-up treatment is recommended until symptoms are cured. If not treated or discontinued arbitrarily, the conjunctival inflammation may result in blurred vision, and the tear gland cells may be damaged by conjunctivitis, resulting in dry eye. Therefore, if conjunctivitis occurs, you must visit a nearby hospital for professional treatment.

