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Symptoms of constipation, cause of constipation, good food for constipation

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 20.

There's a disease that's causing a lot of pain to modern people who are sitting down a lot. It's constipation. Today, let's learn more about how to relieve constipation!

From vegan

What is constipation?

Constipation is one of the common diseases experienced by 5% to 20% of the world's population. Constipation usually refers to cases in which stool is less than once every three to four days when bowel movements are small or stool is difficult, and it is more common in women than in men. It also has characteristics that occur more with age. Normal bowel movements are caused by various muscles surrounding the large intestine and anus, and as you get older, your growth hormone decreases and your muscle mass decreases, so your peristalsis with the large intestine weakens and your activity decreases, which leads to more constipation.


Constipation symptoms

As we learned earlier, constipation is a case where the defecation decreases or the defecation itself is difficult. Typical constipation symptoms are as follows.

- Pain and discomfort from defecating

- The shape of a small bead or stone around three unpleasant sides of the abdomen

- If you have at least 25% of anus obstruction when you defecate

- Less than three times a week of defecation


In general, bowel movements are soft about three times a week, and constipation is related to this number of times, longer or hard bowel movements, and constipation is said to become more severe as you get older.







Food good for constipation


Bananas that dieters eat a lot contain resistant starch that allows you to feel full for a long time when eating. Bananas, which are low in calories but satisfying, are rich in pectin, a constant of dietary fiber. Pectin has the effect of adsorbing and discharging bad harmful substances in the body.


It is said to play a role in removing toxins from the intestine and increase the volume of the stool to facilitate bowel movements. For your information, you need to eat ripe bananas. Bananas with spots on the outside are ripe bananas and are full of pectin. On the contrary, undercooked bananas without spots have tannins that cause severe constipation, so please be aware of this.



Apples contain pectin, a type of dietary fiber, which promotes bowel movement, improves bowel movements, absorbs toxic ingredients and prevents gas from forming in the intestine, so it is a fruit that has a good effect on skin beauty.



100g of plum contains about 7g of dietary fiber and magnesium. This is a nutrient that helps bowel movements a lot, so I recommend plums as a good food for constipation.


Kiwis are also well known for helping improve constipation symptoms with fiber-rich fruits. One kiwi contains 2g of fiber, and an enzyme called actinidine, which is contained in kiwi as well as fiber, promotes the movement of the digestive system and helps regular bowel movements.


Boiled egg

Boiled eggs in the morning are not only good for constipation, but also good for dieting. If you boil it the night before, you can simply peel it and eat it in the morning. Eating hard-boiled rather than soft-boiled is also helpful in preventing food poisoning, and it is rich in vitamin A, which greatly helps eye health.

