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Causes of panic disorder and how to deal with it

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 20.

출처 : Pxhere

What is panic disorder?

Anxiety can manifest as the body's normal response to stress. If anxiety is primarily a fear of vague dangers to come in the future, fear is a fear of threats you know now. Panic disorder refers to a state of severe fear that suddenly experiences severe fear that paralyzes rational thinking.


And panic attack refers to a form of anxiety that is overwhelmed with fear of death as physical symptoms such as sudden palpitations and shortness of breath appear. It usually lasts for a short time and tends to recur. When these panic attacks repeatedly appear at unpredictable times and interfere with daily life, they are called panic disorder.


It can be seen as a normal reaction in life-threatening situations such as traffic accidents and fires, but if you experience a panic attack in a subway or elevator for more than a month because you are worried that a panic attack will come again, or if you say strange things or lose control or fear that your heart will suddenly stop, you can suspect it as a panic disorder because the anxiety reaction may be malfunctioning.




Cause of panic disorder

It is said that the cause of panic disorder has not been identified yet. In some cases, it occurs in people with a lot of fear and high anxiety, but panic disorder is a disease with a clear neurobiological cause. In addition, genetic, psychological, and social factors work together. Stress can break the balance of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine, serotonin, and GABA in the central nervous system in the brain, resulting in panic attacks.


The prefrontal cortex works to mistakenly, perceived, and fearfully accept situations that are not anxious. The gray matter around the midbrain capital is responsible for causing a response to fear to escape or freeze. The main mechanism of panic attack is that the tonsil nucleus reacts excessively to visual and auditory stimuli and stimulates the blue plaque in the hypothalamus to cause an autonomic nervous system reaction.


In addition, hyperventilation and breathing-related substances that break the acid-base balance in the living body can cause panic attacks. Caffeine and carbon dioxide are said to be representative substances that can cause panic attacks. People who suffer from panic disorder genetically increased their risk of panic disorder by 48 times than the general population, and panic disorder occurs more in identical twins than in fraternal twins.


However, although there is a genetic tendency, specific genes or specific chromosome sites related to panic disorder have not yet been identified. In the mental concept, thoughts, wishes, and impulses that are difficult for individuals to accept are suppressed. At some point, it is explained that panic attacks appear as they become conscious. In cognitive behaviorism, anxiety can be explained either by learning or by conditional responses.



How to deal with panic attacks

In the event of a panic attack, there are three main ways we should take immediate action!!


First, I accurately recognize that panic attacks are a temporary phenomenon that does not bring me to death.


Second, we will perform abdominal breathing. Simply put, when you breathe, you can think of it as moving the ship and inflating the inside of the ship firmly. At this time, you have to breathe very slowly.


Third, you visit the hospital and take prescribed anti-anxiety drugs as soon as symptoms appear.


I will end the post with the hope that all those who are struggling will be cured by dealing with it wisely.

