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Acne, adolescent acne, adult acne causes, helpful habits

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 19.

I think everyone has used acne stickers at least once to make them look good to adolescent children. It's a very important time to take care of your skin these days. In order to know the enemy of acne, I think you need to know the cause in detail. Let's find out about it together!




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The cause of acne


The exact cause of acne is not known, but there are more than one cause. During puberty, the secretion of sebaceous glands becomes active due to an excess of male hormones, and the epithelium of the hair follicle causes abnormal keratinization, causing the hair follicle to clog up and form hardened sebum in the hair follicle.




Bacteria residing in hair follicles secrete lipolytic enzymes, which break down triglycerides in sebum to form free fatty acids and stimulate hair follicles.




It is a well-known sea that various ingredients in cosmetics can cause acne. In addition, the use of oily substances, excessive detergents, and soap contained in pomade can also cause acne to worsen.


The cause of adolescent acne

Changes in Hormones As puberty begins, sex hormones (androgen) activate sebum secretion. Such sebum secretion is not secreted to the outside due to dead skin cells, and acne occurs as hair follicles accumulate. In addition, foods with high levels of eating problems, instant foods, and dairy products activate sebum secretion. Due to lack of sleep, skin regeneration hormones produced by sleep are released irregularly. When skin exfoliation occurs, it is often thought that sebum secretion is not good, so excessive exfoliation is often performed. Excessive exfoliation will break the skin balance.




The cause of adult acne

Aged skin is easy to dry. If you don't take care of moisturizing according to your age, it will dry out and accumulate old stratum corneum to block pores. In addition, lack of sleep and stress, disordered eating, lack of sleep, an unbalanced diet, and excessive stress can prevent normal skin circulation cycles. When the circulation cycle is disrupted, the old stratum corneum tends to clog pores, turning into acne-prone skin.



The cause of cheek acne

In general, if you have more acne-causing bacteria than normal levels, cheek acne is more likely to occur. In addition, the cheeks have a large area, so there is a lot of sebum secretion, and the use of misused or misselected skincare products

in everyday life causes cheek acne, which is a major cause. Also, very everyday habits that we don't realize are also affecting.


For example, you have unsanitary habits, such as touching your face with dirty hands, talking on the phone with a smartphone you touched on your cheek even if you don't touch your face with your hands, or not replacing your pillowcase often.



Several habits that helps with acne

Getting enough sleep and rest usually to relieve the accumulated fatigue, and recharging with proper exercise or bathing will also help prevent nose acne. In addition, it will be important to cleanse and cleanse your face carefully to prevent acne.


Wash your face with enough foam, such as soap, and then gently wash away excess sebum. When removing makeup, it is said that it is effective to apply a little more cleansing product and wash it well after applying it gently rather than rubbing it on the skin. In addition, it is necessary to moisturize with toner, etc., because the nose, which has a high amount of sebum secretion, is easy to dry after washing.


In the face, the nose is easily affected by sebum and makeup waste. It is recommended to reduce the secretion of sebum by balancing hormones and to wash and cleanse meticulously. Once you have a nose pimple, you don't touch it anyway. Just the stimulation you touch with your hands can not only delay treatment, but also cause infection or spread infection elsewhere. Applying thick foundation to hide acne can delay healing, so it is recommended to apply it appropriately and wash it properly.


It's not unusual for your skin to get acne during adolescence. It is a natural phenomenon caused by hormones, so don't worry too much and it can be improved by the prevention methods mentioned above.

