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Management of colorectal cancer causes, symptoms, and early symptoms

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 20.

What is colon cancer?

Colorectal cancer is the development of cancer cells in the intestine. Colorectal cancer occurs a lot in older people, so aging can be seen as a cause of occurrence. Also, it is confirmed that eating habits have a big impact. It is said that if you continue to eat foods high in animal fat or frequently eat products processed with meat, you are more likely to develop colon cancer.


The cause of colorectal cancer

Increasing Meat Intake In recent years, modern society has become more inclined to eat meat than vegetables. Since meat has a lot of fat, it can cause an increase in the incidence of colon cancer. In particular, it is said that roasting or frying in oil can increase the probability of causing early colorectal cancer symptoms. Colorectal cancer symptoms lifestyle If you eat a lot of processed food, your chances of developing cancer will inevitably increase.


In particular, it is said that the distribution of processed meat such as sausages, ham, and bacon was banned as cancer causing foods in foreign countries. You should reduce your normal intake of processed meat, avoid foods high in fat, and do not drink too much or smoke. If polyps are found in the polyp colon, it can cause cancer cells to grow.


It's possible only when you check the large intestine with an endoscope, so you need to be constantly examined. Currently, the initial symptoms of colon cancer are not clearly identified, so regular examinations are required. Fiber in vegetables and fruits acts to dilute carcinogens, which is said to help prevent early colorectal cancer symptoms. In addition, studies have shown that calcium and vitamin D also show the effect of reducing or limiting mortality due to colon cancer, so it is helpful to take it frequently.









Early symptoms of colorectal cancer


The colon is an organ related to bowel movements, and there are statistics that one in seven colorectal cancer patients complain of frequent constipation as an early symptom of colorectal cancer. Continuous constipation causes bowel -movements, and it is said that toxic substances affect the inside of the large intestine and tend to develop into malignant tumors.


Constipation is a symptom of colon cancer, but it can also cause colon cancer, so efforts to improve constipation are essential. If you have a bowel movement disorder, you may inadvertently pass it, but if you see a bowel movementpattern different from usual, it may be an early symptom of colon cancer. Unlike usual, if you have to sit on the toilet for a long time, or if constipation occurs continuously, not temporarily, it is recommended to visit a specialized institution.


This is because the intestinal discharge organ, which causes obstacles to bowel movements, may mean the development of tumors in the large intestine. However, it does not mean that symptoms such as constipation occur temporarily, but it is worth checking because the symptoms will last for a long time.



A feeling of abdominal bloating

It is said that if a colon tumor develops, it does not emit natural gas, so you can feel discomfort in your abdomen. Of course, you may feel temporary abdominal bloating depending on the food you eat sweet potatoes and eggs, but if it is caused by a colon malignancy, it is said that it may be a symptom of colon cancer because symptoms of discomfort continue to appear.They also complain of abdominal pain.Colorectal cancer is often accompanied by abdominal pain. However, there are various reasons for causing abdominal pain, so you should pay more attention to colon cancer.


You should look at the location of abdominal pain, but if abdominal pain occurs in the upper part of the stomach, there is a problem in the stomach, and abdominal pain caused by colon cancer is usually accompanied by lower right abdominal pain in the stomach. If abdominal pain, convulsions, and abdominal distention persist on the lower right side of the abdomen and the symptoms get worse for more than a week, it may be a symptom of colon cancer.




It is said that if you eat a lot of meat, farting can occur often. Farts are extremely natural and are a major physiological phenomenon, and oily foods such as meat are not digested well and release gas during digestion, so farts come out, which tend to smell terrible.

However, if the smell and frequency of farts increase rapidly, it is necessary to check the dysfunction of the large intestine, and it is said that it may be an early symptom of colon cancer. I sometimes vomit.Vomiting is caused by a number of causes, such as temporary stomach health problems and indigestion. However, vomiting, which is caused by colon cells not functioning normally due to cancer cells, is likely to continue to occur, unlike vomiting caused by indigestion.



Diagnosis and examination of colorectal cancer

Early symptoms of colorectal cancer are said to be a problem if they are tested and treated when they are recognized.

Rectal balance check

As the name suggests, the test is a way to check if any lumps are touched that shouldn't be put your finger into the rectum.

Antigen test

The antigen in this name is a protein that is produced during fetal time, and it is produced only before birth and not after birth. Therefore, if the antigen is higher than the newborn, it means that there may be cancer. However, this test says that smoking, pancreatitis, or liver disease can also lead to high levels. Therefore, the test is often an auxiliary test when checking the possibility of OR recurrence to confirm the effectiveness before and after surgery.


Fecal latent reaction test

It is a method of examining a small amount of blood mixed through urine or feces. The cost of the test is low, but the accuracy of the test results is often low.Colonoscopy This is a method of examining the large intestine by putting an endoscope that many people know through the anus. It's a way to accurately determine colon disease as a way to know the actual bleeding area and tissue situation.



How to manage colorectal cancer

To detect colorectal cancer early, it is most important to have a regular colonoscopy check. According to the Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, it is recommended that people over the age of 50 undergo a colonoscopy every five years. The reason why it should be received every five years is that it takes 5 to 15 years for most colorectal benign tumors to develop into malignancy, so even if you are under the age of 50, it is safe for a family member who has colorectal cancer or enjoys eating meat every five years.


Colorectal cancer is a disease that is deeply related to eating habits. The large intestine is responsible for absorbing the remaining nutrients and electrolytes in the final stage of digestion, and if there is too much fat and cholesterol in the food, metabolites produced after decomposition in the large intestine damage colon cells, causing cancer cells. Therefore, in order to manage colon cancer, you need to eat less oily food and eat enough grains and vegetables rich in dietary fiber.


These foods are said to boost colon movement and reduce the time harmful substances stay in the large intestine, reducing the risk of developing colon cancer. In particular, garlic is a representative anti-cancer food, rich in allicin and selenium, which have anticancer effects, which is beneficial in preventing colon cancer. In addition to improving your diet, drinking enough water over 2L a day and preventing obesity through constant exercise will greatly benefit from preventing colon cancer, so let's maintain good eating habits!

