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The cause of bad breath, food that is good for bad breath

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 20.

If you're wearing a mask, you'll feel something. It's your bad breath. I've prepared a post today for those people. Today, let's learn about the causes of bad breath and the foods that are good for bad breath.

From Wiki

The cause of bad breath

In fact, the causes of bad breath are so diverse that it cannot be characterized. In general, of course, it depends on the condition in the mouth. The most common reason is poor cleanliness in the oral cavity. If you don't brush your teeth often or if your food isn't removed properly, you can have bad breath.


No matter how hard you brush your teeth, food does not fall out easily in places where it touches your teeth, so you must make sure to use dental floss to make sure that there are no leftover food left in the oral cavity. When food is decomposed and bacteria reproduce, bad breath can occur, and symptoms such as tonsil stones and reflux esophagitis can also cause bad breath.


Cavities and gum disease

If bad breath continues even after keeping oral hygiene clean, you should suspect tooth decay or gum disease. Cavities refer to rotting teeth surfaces that cause bad breath, and can cause bad breath due to inflammation of gums such as dental plaque periodontitis. If the outbreak has already progressed, bad breath may not disappear no matter how much you brush your teeth, and if you leave it unattended, it can become a bigger disease, so it's better to go to the dentist and get treatment first. Also, if you have pain in your teeth, you may have cavities in an invisible place, so please consult your doctor.


A liver disease

The liver's body is a detoxifying organ, and if liver disease progresses, it can cause the smell of rotten eggs in the mouth. The liver purifies various toxic substances in the body, but if there is liver disease such as cirrhosis, it is not properly detoxified, so waste in the body can accumulate and bad breath can be severe. The liver is said to be the most silent organ in our body. Because we don't know the prognosis until it's seriously damaged. In general, there are no special symptoms, so it is recommended to check your liver health through regular checkups such as liver somatic index.






Dry mouth

Dry mouth refers to dry mouth due to decreased saliva secretion. Adults often use the expression "dry mouth" It occurs mainly in people over 60 and is a common symptom in over 50 percent of people. Saliva reduces germs in the mouth and is said to have its own cleaning effect. However, if the amount decreases, it can create a good environment for germs to reproduce, which can worsen the bad breath. In this case, it is helpful to drink a lot of water or drink a lot of water. It is not recommended to use mouthwash often just because your mouth is dry. This is because it can make your mouth drier.


Gastrointestinal disorder

If you have reflux esophagitis, you can feel bitter taste as gastric acid refluxes into your mouth, and in this case, it is accompanied by a bad breath. I'm sure you've all experienced an unpleasant experience where the smell of the food comes up when it comes over once. In addition, if there is inflammation on the stomach such as Helicobacter pylori, it can cause bad breath, and in fact, more than 80% of people with severe bad breath have detected Helicobacter pylori in their mouths.


Abdominal obesity

It is said that inflammation caused by abdominal obesity may cause bad breath because it can travel through blood vessels and affect periodontal tissue. Inflammation travels through the blood and causes problems all over our body, and this inflammation causes problems with the supporting tissue, which is called periodontal disease. Periodontal disease does not show any symptoms unless it worsens to the point of damaging nerves, so it is important to see a dentist regularly. In particular, obese patients are more likely to develop periodontal diseases and symptoms progress quickly, so regular checkups or scaling are more necessary.



In fact, people with diabetes often have a bad breath. This is because of ketones. The energy that the body uses comes from glucose produced by digesting carbohydrates. However, if you have diabetes, carbohydrates do not metabolize smoothly, so you use muscles and fat, and the ketone body produced at this time is used as an energy source. Therefore, in diabetics, this ketone body causes a sour smell in the urine or mouth.


Tonsil stone

tonsil stones are also a major cause of bad breath, as studies show that people with tonsil stones have a much higher rate of bad breath than those who do not. A tonsil stone is a white stone that is attached to the vicinity of wooden chopsticks. tonsillitis is when bacteria, mucus, and food debris harden together, forming small particles in the pores around the tonsils. If you are healthy and have no cavities or gum disease, you should get a tonsil stone test if you have bad breath. And there are also methods such as periodic removal or tonsil resection.





Food that is good for your breath

Green tea

Green tea has anti-cancer, antibacterial, antiviral, and deodorizing effects.Catechins and epikatechins in green tea play a role in suppressing bacterial growth in teeth, and when drinking alcohol, alcohol decomposes and causes an unpleasant odor, and you can chew tea leaves and remove bad breath and relieve hangovers.



Yogurt is rich in lactic acid bacteria, and the abundant lactic acid bacteria are said to help reduce hydrogen sulfide. For those who like yogurt, you can remove your breath with yogurt, but in the case of yogurt that is too sweet, it may not be very helpful in removing your breath.

Apples contain a component called polyphenol, which has the function of removing a component called methylmercaptan that causes bad breath. In fact, it is said that peeling an apple with a knife and rubbing the skin on the tongue or rubbing teeth is good for preventing odors.



Lemon, a fruit with a strong sour taste, is rich in vitamin C and citric acid.These ingredients produce a strong sour taste and stimulate the salivary glands to prevent dry mouth.Due to its strong sterilization effect, it also has the effect of making your mouth water.



If you don't drink water often, your mouth will dry out often, increasing the likelihood of bad breath.Mutans bacteria that remain in the mouth become dry when saliva secretion decreases and water becomes insufficient, causing mutans bacteria to increase. It causes tooth and gum diseases and bad breath.



Pineapples contain bromelain, a protein digestive enzyme.It is effective in removing the tongue, which is the cause of bad breath, and it also helps to improve the symptoms of dry mouth, which is effective in removing bad breath.



Carrots are rich in fiber, so it removes food debris attached to teeth, and the more you chew with a relatively hard texture, the more you stimulate the salivary glands to induce salivary secretion, so it is a good food for your mouth to create a dry clinical environment.


