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What is the exit strategy?

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 26.

From  pixino

Have you ever heard of the term exit strategy? The exit we use on a daily basis means the exit from the space where we are located. The exit strategy is used in a similar sense. Today, let's learn about exit strategies.


What is an exit strategy?

If you're a business owner, there's something you must think about before starting a business. That's the exit strategy. The exit strategy means selling or transferring the business I'm running. When you grow from a company with nothing to a big company, there are many managers who are hesitant about exit strategies because of the achievements they have made so far. However, if there is no permanent business and there is someone who can make the company better than you, choosing an exit strategy can be the right choice.

They project themselves into the company and present ridiculous amounts of money, and they witness it in the news countless times. In the end, no deal is made, and the company's growth is stagnant, and it is often seen that it is sold for less than half of the amount offered.


That's how important the exit strategy is. Usually, if you need tens of billions of dollars or more in funding, most of them do business with funds or institutions. Because it's a fund that an individual can't afford. Most of these institutions and funds are after growth. That's why when you see a stagnant growth as a manager, selling before that can be an important time to develop an exit strategy.

In addition, exit strategies can also take place in the securities market in the form of IPOs. There are two main reasons for corporate disclosure in the stock market. It's to sell to the market because the size of the enterprise is so large that it's not something that individuals can buy, or it's to gain market dominance in that area through trading in a market where you can get fast money called the stock market.

In any case, managers should prioritize increasing the corporate value of a corporation, and they are fascinated by these managers, who are investors.

