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What is communism?

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 25.

From Public Domain Vectors

What is communism?

Communism is an ideal system of socialism that aims to deny private ownership of property and to realize a society without the difference between the rich and the poor by sharing all assets, such as means of production and products. It refers to Marxist ideas that were systematized by Plato in ancient times and Marx Engels in modern times. It is a social system that is located in the final stage of human historical development realized by the Proletarian Revolution in Marxism, and its productivity is highly developed so that people work according to their abilities and are distributed according to their needs.


This Marxism is a social system that corresponds to the first step from capitalism to communism. Communism is an equal social system in which everyone shares capital and wealth. All land, property, etc. belong to the state and are shared by everyone. Marxists thought that capitalism created a gap between the rich and the poor because of the monopoly of wealth by the owners of capital.

Only capitalists increased their money, the rest of the workers didn't get rich at all, and they saw the limits of a capitalist society. In addition, the Communists believed that new developments were the result of accumulating knowledge in the past and the wisdom of many people, and that capitalists were not the only ones who could monopolize.

