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Cashew nut calories and nutrients, cashew nut efficacy, cashew nut side effects

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 25.

From pxhere

Cashew nut efficacy

Prevention of chronic diseases
Cashew nuts are rich in many vitamins and minerals, including vitamins E, B, D, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus. Magnesium deficiency is said to change hormones responsible for calcium metabolism and regulation. And zinc plays an important role in strengthening the immune system against microbial infections and healing wounds.

Eye health
Cashew nuts are also said to help strengthen eye immunity and cornea, and regular consumption of cashew nuts can prevent eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration. That's why cashew nuts are very good for eye health, and cashew nuts contain a lot of zeaxanthin, which is good for the eye. In addition, pigments in zeaxanthin can protect mucous membranes and can protect vision and protection while reducing eye fatigue.


Prevention of gallstones
Regular consumption of healthy nuts such as cashew nuts can help lower the risk of gallstone formation. So gallstones are stone-like deposits made up of cholesterol that typically accumulate in the bile.

Bone health
Cashew nuts are an abundant source of magnesium, an essential mineral. Magnesium helps regulate the body's calcium levels needed for proper bone formation and maintenance. In addition, cashew nuts are a good source of plant protein, which is important for maintaining and restoring the body's muscles, skin, and other tissues. They are also rich in dietary fiber, which can help improve digestive health and reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Cashew Nut Calories and Nutrients

Cashew nuts are high in calories but also rich in essential nutrients. An ounce of cashew nuts is about 18 nuts, and each serving contains 157 calories, 5 grams of protein, and 1 gram of fiber. In addition to magnesium and vitamin E, cashews are a good source of copper and energy needed for proper immune function and iron, which is important for preventing anemia. One unique nutrient found in cashew nuts is proanthocyanidin, which is a type of flavonoid that has been found to have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

Cashew nut side effects

Cashew nuts are generally considered safe for most people to eat, but they can cause an allergic reaction in some people. Cashew nuts are also high in fat and calories, so you are especially careful about your weight! Eating in moderation seems to be the most important thing!

