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The effectiveness of peaches, How to store peaches

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 25.

From pxhere

Peach Efficacy

Abundant aspartic acid
Peach is a representative fruit of summer, which is called the fruit of beauty, and it is a popular fruit that can be enjoyed with sourness and sweetness. Aspartic acid, which is abundant in peaches, is said to help remove fatigue by discharging substances that cause fatigue in the body out of the body. It is said that the substance of Arthur's heart in peaches is 18 times higher than that of grapes and 4 times higher than that of apples.

Peaches are rich in sugar and moisture, so you can relieve fatigue and feel energized by immediate sugar and water absorption when consumed. It is said that there is a lot of pectin, a water-soluble dietary fiber, so it can withstand the heat. Peach Juice Effect Helps Skin Beauty When you do peaches, you think of skin beauty.

Skin care
Peaches contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps skin care, so it can maintain white skin and prevent blemishes and blemishes. It is also said to prevent skin cells from aging by discharging active oxygen that progresses aging.


The respiratory tract
Peaches are good for lungs and airways. Peaches are famous for their food. It's good for your lungs or organs. In particular, amino acids and vitamin B in peaches are said to help relieve coughing and strengthen the airways. Peaches are also good food for smokers. It's really nice because the pitch has the ability to remove nicotine from cigarettes. For the health of the lungs. After smoking cigarettes and eating peaches, it was confirmed that it came from this body when the nicotine metabolite, the nose, was tinged.

Blood pressure health
Many ways to eat peaches can help maintain healthy blood pressure levels. One way is to eat them as a snack. Another way is to consume them with recipes that include other low-sodium foods, such as celery and tomatoes, and eating peaches regularly can also help control blood pressure.

Promoting bone health
Peaches are an excellent source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, and potassium. They are also said to contain bioactive plant nutrients, including anthocyanin, which supports bone health. Eating fresh peaches can help improve overall bone health by providing essential nutrients and promoting a healthy gut microbiome.

Brain health
Peaches are an excellent source of cognitive-enhancing nutrients, including antioxidants, amino acids, and vitamins B6 and C. They have been shown to improve the mental performance of people with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease, as well as healthy adults.


Heart health
According to a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, eating peaches can reduce the risk of heart disease. Participants in the study who ate the most peaches had a 42% lower risk of heart disease than those who ate the least. Antioxidants in peaches can help protect the heart by fighting free oxygen and protecting cholesterol in the blood.

Peach side effects

In the movie Parasite, allergic reactions can appear so large that there is a scene where an allergic reaction occurs due to peaches. If you are allergic to peaches, be careful when eating them. In general, the trend of allergic symptoms caused by peaches can be divided into two categories: when an allergic reaction occurs due to the fur on the surface of the peach and when the peach is ingested.

The symptoms of allergic reactions are hives, diarrhea, and severe symptoms can lead to shortness of breath and seizures. And peaches have warm properties, so please avoid eating them with other warm-tempered foods as much as possible.


How to store peaches

Peaches are generally ripe and consumed, and it is said that if stored in a refrigerator, the sweetness may weaken. If you put peaches in the refrigerator as soon as you buy them, the aging process is stopped due to cold air, so the sweetness decreases and the cell membrane of the fruit wall may break down and spoil quickly. Peaches can be stored at room temperature, boiled, put them in the refrigerator for a while, and eat them deliciously.

Pack the peaches one by one with newspaper or kitchen towel to prevent them from getting wet and fading. Keep the top of the peach facing up. If it is stored in a cool and windy place, it can be stored for a few days. You can keep it refrigerated in the hot summer, but you can taste the sweetness well if you cook it at room temperature and store it in a refrigerator at about 1 degree Celsius for a while and take it out when it gets cool.


