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Oats, oats efficacy, oats storage methods

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 24.

출처 : pxhere

What is oat?

Oat's main production sites are Russia, Poland, and Finland, and in Korea, Gangjin in Jeollanam-do and Jeongeup in Jeollabuk-do are said to be located.It is an elongated grain with an impressive long shape and a popping texture when chewing, and it is a hard grain that is considerable when touched raw.

Oats are recognized for being nutritious enough to be selected as one of the top 10 superfoods. Oat oatmeal is called oatmeal, which is fried and flattened, and is consumed in various ways, such as cereal or tea. In the case of oatmeal, you can put it in water and cut it like porridge, or put it in hot water, then take out the ingredients and drink it as tea, and there is a way to add one or two spoons to the existing cereal.


Oat calories

The oat calories are 317 kcal for 100 g. Compared to rice being 322 kcal for 100g, it is relatively low. However, oats are high in dietary fiber, so you can eat them lower than oat calories. In addition, when processed with oatmeal, it is slightly higher than 100g by 20 kacl compared to raw.


The efficacy of oats

An abundance of dietary fiber
There may be people who can't move much because of their busy daily lives, or people who are worried about their insensitive bowel and heavy abdomen because they are not close to waterOats are said to be very rich in water-soluble dietary fiber. Water-soluble dietary fiber, which is characterized by being soluble in water, prevents blood sugar from soaring after meals and can help lower blood cholesterol levels. It also softens and softens the stool, helps the bowel movement, and helps the health of our body by proliferating bacteria that help the bowel health.


Sodium emission
Oats are said to contain fiber and tocopherol. These two ingredients are said to have the effect of discharging sodium, harmful substances, and toxins accumulated by excessive intake in our body. Especially in the summer, you look for food that is a little salty and stimulating to supplement salt. I think it would be a good idea to use oats to solve dinner simply.

It is rich in soluble fiber beta-glucan, which helps lower blood sugar and lower cholesterol levels. Beta-glucan is a corresponding ingredient that affects improving lipid metabolism and can help improve obesity by preventing fat from being easily made and accumulated in the body.

An antioxidant
Oats are known to have phenol and sterol components that are very effective against antioxidants. It is said that it is helpful enough to manage aging by removing harmful oxygen in the body. Oats contain proteases that help digest protein, so it even helps people who enjoy eating meat eat it with mixed grain rice with oats.

Growth and development
The protein content of oats is about twice that of rice, contains essential amino acids such as lysine, and contains calcium three to four times that of brown rice. In addition, it is rich in magnesium that strengthens bones and vitamin B1 that activates metabolism, helping to develop growing children and prevent and improve bone strengthening and osteoporosis in the elderly.


One of the effects of oats is to improve the skin. Of course, it should fit each individual's skin and not have trouble, but it shows excellent efficacy in removing waste and miscellaneous bands. Use oats to clean your skin and become a skin beauty.

Diet food
You can also notice the oat effect on diet, which is a big homework for modern people. Oats contain a lot of dietary fiber and unsaturated fatty acids, so you can feel full even in a small amount, so it is the best diet food.


How to store oats

Before opening: Store in a cool place without sunlight.
After opening: Make sure to seal and refrigerate. If you keep it frozen, you can eat it fresh.

