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All About Chestnuts (Chestnuts Efficacy, Dicotyledons)

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 24.

From Picturethis

An introduction to the Chestnuts

Chestnuts are the fruit of the deciduous tree of the dicotyledons oak family, and are repulsive with a dark brown diameter of 2.5 to 4 cm. It is native to Asia, Europe, North America, and Northern Africa, such as Korea, Japan, and China. I heard that there are American and European chestnuts. The varieties grown in Korea are superior species among traditional species and improved varieties of Japanese chestnuts, and Korean chestnuts are considered excellent varieties because of their meat quality and sweetness compared to Western chestnuts.


The effects of Chestnuts

Prevention of high blood pressure
The chetnuts's effect is to prevent high blood pressure. It is rich in potassium, which is good for lowering blood pressure. Potassium releases sodium and lowers blood pressure.

Improved vascular health
It is rich in essential fatty acids that clean blood vessels. Essential fatty acids clean blood vessels and improve overall vascular health. Blood vessels are elements that stretch throughout the body.

Prevention of anemia
There are many ingredients used as raw materials for blood, such as folic acid and iron. Iron and folate promote high-quality blood production and prevent anemia!

Promoting Eye Health
Regular consumption of chestnuts containing vitamin A is said to help protect eye health by preventing ophthalmic diseases such as cataracts and night blindness. In addition, a pigment called carotenoid in the chestnuts is a typical antioxidant, and this carotenoid is converted into vitamin A when consumed in the body. Therefore, this effect is rich in vitamin A at chestnuts, and intake of vitamin A helps relieve vision and relieve eye fatigue.

Promoting bone health
Calcium and phosphorus contained in chestnuts are components of bones. Calcium and phosphorus are absorbed by bones and are good for overall bone health.

Improvement of intestinal health
Hard chestnuts are rich in fiber, unlike what they look like. So, it is said that fiber in a lot at chestnuts not only helps move food through the digestive tract, but also improves constipation symptoms. In addition, it can help improve digestive health by being full, keeping blood sugar safe, and protecting beneficial probiotic bacteria found in the intestine.

Improvement of diarrhea
The effects of chestnuts, which are high in fiber and dietary fiber, are also helpful in improving constipation. On the other hand, diarrhea also acts as an antidiarrheal. As those who have raised children know, they sometimes feed them chestnuts when they have diarrhea. The reason is that the ingredients of the chest help the soft stool to return to normal by improving the intestine.

