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Aloe, aloe effect, aloe side effects

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 24.

출처 : pxhere

What is aloe?

When aloe is used as an ingredient, it is common to eat pulp, and it is characterized by a sticky, mushy texture and very bitter taste. Its effects include strengthening immunity, alleviating constipation, and promoting blood circulation. When used for purposes other than food, it is also used as a raw material for cosmetics that make ropes with tough fibers or soothe the skin. Aloe can be eaten more easily if you soak the flesh in cold water, boil it bitterly, and eat it. It is also eaten as a dish with various spices and ingredients.


Aloe efficacy

Anticancer effect
Emodin, which is rich in aloe, has an anti-cancer effect because it has excellent effects in suppressing the occurrence and metastasis of cancer cells. Acrotin in aloe is also widely known for its excellent anticancer properties.

Strengthening one's immune system
The key ingredient in aloe is polysaccharide, which is an ingredient called acetylated mannan, also called immune polysaccharide. Acetylated mannan is effective in boosting immunity because it helps activate nk cells, dendritic cells, and macrophages while increasing the number of white blood cells and platelets.


Improvement of digestion
Aloe has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Moisture in aloe helps people who are constipated because it increases the moisture in their intestines. Aloe also promotes the secretion of mucus in the intestine, producing bacteria that help digestion.

Skin care
It is widely known that aloe is good for skin care. It is already popular enough to be used as a raw material for many cosmetics. Aloe is high in organic acids that help synthesize collagen that hydrates the skin and makes the skin elastic. Mannan, which is contained in aloe gel a lot, has an antioxidant effect and has a beneficial effect on skin health. Aloe's aloin prevents blemishes and freckles, inhibits melanin pigment, and aloe white has a skin whitening effect.

A hangover cure
People who usually drink a lot always suffer from hangovers. For modern people who have to live their daily lives even after drinking, hangovers are like homework to solve. Emodin and aloin in aloe help detoxify alcohol accumulated in the liver, and ursin, which protects various mucous membranes in the body, protects the gastric mucous membrane, reducing the wheezing caused by hangovers.

In an experiment on mice, comparing aloe-fed and non-eaten mice showed that the aloe-fed mice had a longer survival period of about 20%. Peroxidation lipids are produced by combining free oxygen with fat, and it is said to promote aging in our body. Aloe is said to reduce such peroxidized lipids. Aloe is said to prevent aging and increase resistance to disease.


Improvement of diabetes
Aloe's immune polysaccharides improve immunity and improve insulin resistance. In fact, as a result of ingesting aloe polysaccharides in adults with diabetes, insulin resistance improved along with a decrease in body fat.


Aloe side effects

Aloe can irritate the stomach and intestines, and it is recommended to refrain from eating it because it can cause bleeding in the uterus if pregnant women or women during menstruation eat aloe.It is recommended to refrain from eating aloe because it may have side effects if consumed by people with gastrointestinal disorders, Crohn's disease, and appendicitis.

Women with frequent diarrhea or menstruation, lactating women, pregnant women, the elderly, and patients with low blood pressure should refrain from eating. If aloe is used on the skin, side effects such as itching or rash may occur, so be careful.



