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Narcissism, Narcissistic features

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 26.

출처 : store

What is narcissism?

The term narcissism comes from a Greek myth about a young Greek man. Nargis, who was so beautiful, fell in love with himself reflected in a waterhole.

Narcissism, or self-love, is a psychoanalytic term, which refers to a personality or behavior in which one believes, shows off, or becomes overly self-centered for some reason, such as one's appearance or ability.

It's the love that Lvido radiates towards himself, which is mostly a process that adolescents go through while forming their subjectivity, but once it develops, it regresses and recreates this period. Psychoanalysis usually sees it as a personality disorder symptom. You feel sexual excitement about your body, or you gain satisfaction in your fantasy by considering yourself the perfect person.


Narcissistic features

We all have a certain amount of love for ourselves, but if you're a narcissist, this is overrepresented. If there is something you do better than others, you want to maximize it and show off yourself, and you feel tremendous pride. On the other hand, if you feel that you are inferior to others or that you have fallen behind, you will become too depressed or severely self-deprecating.

It is said that there is a tendency to observe the world, reality, and others and cut them at will without considering the situation or position of others. Because of this tendency, they may not adapt well to organizations or societies that need to demonstrate cooperation or teamwork. But that doesn't necessarily mean that narcissism is good or bad.

In some social context, if this narcissism is expressed in a healthy way, you can have good confidence in yourself, but at the same time, it can be negatively affected in long-term relationships or situations where you have to objectify yourself.

Narcissistic personality disorder

There was a general movement towards a dimensional perspective on personality disorder. Some narcissists may have limited ability to feel emotions. narcissistic personality disorder affects 1% of the general population. Although most individuals have some narcissistic traits, high levels of narcissism can come in a pathological form as a narcissistic personality disorder in which individuals overestimate their abilities and have an excessive need for praise and affirmation.

Freud says narcissism is an original state in which an individual develops an object of love. According to Freud, parents' love and attitude toward their children can be seen as restoring and recreating their narcissism. They argued that healthy narcissism is essential for normal development. Freud's idea of narcissism described the pathology that manifested itself in the emptiness of being unable to love others, the inability, the constant desire for power, and the lack of empathy, while making others unavailable.

It is said that healthy narcissism is correlated with good psychological health. Self-esteem acts as a mediator between narcissism and psychological health. Therefore, because of the high self-esteem derived from self-awareness of competence and favorability, high narcissists are relatively free from worry and depression.

