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Introducing citrus fruits (lemon, lime, orange, tangerine)

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 30.



Winter is the season of tangerines, right? Are you all enjoying tangerines under the warm blanket? I'm inhaling tangerines so much that I buy a box almost every two weeks. Today, I prepared a post to learn about the characteristics of each type of tangerine, such as citrus.


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History of Lemon

Lemon was a 'blessing from God' for those sailing on ships. Scurvy caused by vitamin C deficiency has long been a source of fear for sailors and navies. The British army proved in 1753 that lemons cure scurvy.


The efficacy of lemons

Skin health
Lemon, which is rich in vitamin C, promotes collagen production and prevents melanin, which turns skin color black, from being able to stay calm. And it helps to develop clean and light skin, so if your skin is usually dark or lifeless, it can be helpful to drink lemon water.


Toxin excretion
Lemon limits the production of toxins in our body and releases them out of the body to make the body healthy. It is also known to help release toxins accumulated in the body by promoting diuretic action.

Strengthening one's immune system
Vitamin C in lemons helps smooth blood circulation and promotes metabolism, blocking viral bacteria from entering from outside. Consuming lemons like this can strengthen our body's immunity, protecting our body from external harmful substances. In particular, in order to increase immunity, you can reduce the sour taste if you make lemon juice and dilute it with water rather than enzymes!

Oral health
Cavities and gum infections are widespread oral diseases caused by bacteria. Lemon skin is said to contain antibacterial substances that can hinder the growth of microorganisms. In one study, researchers were able to identify four compounds in lemon peel that have strong antibacterial properties and effectively fight bacteria that cause common oral diseases.


Antioxidants are plant compounds that prevent cell damage by fighting free oxygen in the body. Lemon skin is rich in antioxidants including D limonene and vitamin C. Consumption of flavonoid antioxidants such as D limonene is said to contribute greatly to reducing the risk of certain diseases such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Decrease in cholesterol levels
Pectin in lemon peel can also reduce cholesterol levels by increasing the excretion of bile acids produced by the liver and combined with cholesterol.






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Lime effect

Antioxidant effect
Lime has a lot of good substances, including copper, magnesium, and vitamin C. These nutrients are good for antioxidant effects, which can help symptoms related to them.


Increased heart function
Lime is known to have abundant amounts of nutrients, including calcium. It is said that such nutritional ingredients can have a good effect on heart health and be good for related symptoms.

Skin health
A lot of nutrients, such as iron and collagen, that lime contains are nutrients that greatly help skin health.

Prevention of kidney stones
Kidney stones are a disease that can be caused by the accumulation of minerals from small stones in the kidneys, mainly when uric acid levels or calcium are high. However, lime and other citrus fruits are rich in citric acid, which helps prevent kidney stones. Studies have also confirmed that eating a lot of citrus fruits has a low risk of kidney stones.


Prevention of certain cancers
Citrus fruits, including lime, contain a lot of antioxidants and other compounds, which are effective in preventing cancer. In particular, the flavonoid voice can help suppress the expression of hidden genes that promote cancer. It can also prevent cancer cells such as breast, bone marrow, pancreas, throat, colon, and lymphoma from growing and spreading.

Blood sugar control
Citrus fruits, including lime, are classified as superfoods that have excellent effects in preventing and treating diabetes. The American Diabetes Association recommends that diabetics eat lime every day because soluble fiber in lime prevents sugar from being absorbed into the bloodstream and increases blood sugar levels, which quickly improves blood sugar problems in diabetics.

Joint health
One of the main causes of joint discomfort is uric acid. Uric acid is originally a waste that must be washed away in the urination process, but sometimes when uric acid that has not been released begins to accumulate in and around the joints, it causes pain and inflammation in the joints. Citric acid, which is abundant in lime, dissolves uric acid deposits, making it easier for urine to expel them, and relieves joint pain by reducing the number of inflammatory problems.


Weight loss
The citric acid in lime acts like a fat-burning burner. If you drink two cups of warm lime water a day, you can expect an immediate loss effect within a week, and if you make a habit of drinking lime water before meals, you can continue your weight loss effect for a longer time.






History of Orange

The origin of the orange is the fruit that corresponds to China and India and is loved all over the world. It is said that records of planting and cultivating oranges in China around 400 B.C. are being handed down. And through China and India in the 16th century, oranges spread to Europe and were considered a positive perception by Europeans. Orange is usually yellow, and the inside is red. Orange has a sweet and refreshing taste, and it's just the right size to hold, about 710cm in size.


Orange Effect

Boost one's immune system
Orange is rich in vitamin C. Vitamin C is a nutrient related to immunity and is a very important nutrient for enhancing immunity in our body. If you eat a lot of oranges, it helps improve your body's immunity.

Skin health
Orange contains a lot of essential nutrients that the skin requires. Also, it has a high moisture content, so it can be a very good friend for maintaining healthy skin.

Improve digestive function and prevent constipation
Orange is rich in dietary fiber. Rich dietary fiber improves intestinal digestion and helps facilitate bowel movements.


Anti-cancer effect
Orange is rich in vitamin C. This can help suppress the growth of cancer cells and prevent the metastasis of cancer cells.Orange is rich in dietary fiber

Vitamin C plays a role in returning blood pressure normally along with cortisol hormone, which is produced when stress occurs. #Vessels: Flavonoid ingredients reduce inflammation, prevent thrombogenesis, and lower LDL cholesterol levels, which is said to help brain health Folic acid and Hesperidine also help to clear blood and strengthen blood vessels, preventing arteriosclerosis, heart disease, and cerebrovascular disease.

Anti-cancer effect
In oranges, vitamin C and flavonoid components inhibit cancer cell growth. In addition, phytochemical ingredients and Hesperidine ingredients in orange peels have good anticancer effects. In addition, dietary fiber and carotenoids are effective in preventing colon cancer by improving the environment in the intestine.


How to choose a delicious orange?

I recommend you choose the round and hard ones for oranges. Also, the skin is thin and soft, and the heavier it is when you hear it, the more likely it is to taste good. And it is said that the more orange scent permeates the skin, the more delicious it is.

a method of storing oranges

The thick skin of oranges helps keep oranges relatively fresh for a long time even at room temperature Usually, it can be stored at room temperature for less than two weeks, and please store it in a place without direct sunlight. In the case of refrigerated storage, the expiration date is maintained up to one month.


From pxhere


The etymology of tangerines

There are quite a few people who think it's pure Korean because of the word tangerines, but tangerines are Chinese characters. It is also called citrus or wheat persimmon, and in the past, it was called potato, and in Jeju Island, it was also called Mikang, Japanese. In English, it is called mandarin.


The effects of tangerines

Prevention of Immunity
Tangerines are rich in vitamin C, which is said to help prevent immunity. It is recommended for those who are exposed to colds to eat a lot of tangerines to increase their immunity. And tangerine peels contain more vitamins than pulp, so it's better to take advantage of them.

Improvement of blood vessels
Tangerines are rich in vitamin C, which suppresses harmful cholesterol and helps blood circulate well by raising blood. Let's all eat a lot of tangerines and consume a lot of vitamin C so that our blood circulates well!

Skin care
Tangerines are said to be rich in vitamin C, which helps to create clean skin. It also makes cloudy and dull skin clear and aesthetic skin and suppresses freckles and blemishes.

How to buy tangerines

To buy fresh and good tangerines, they must be large and have a thin shell that surrounds them. It's good to feel hard and heavy when touched. Heavy tangerines have high sugar, so you can eat sweet tangerines. And the colors should be clear, orange, and uniformly distributed. Tangerines are a fruit familiar to us enough to be called a winter snack, and they are good friends with us under the covers.



