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Testosterone, Testosterone-rich food

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 22.

From Wiki

What is testosterone?

Testosterone is a hormone produced mainly in testicles for men and ovaries and adrenal glands for women. This hormone is essential for the growth of men and the development of masculine traits. For women, testosterone is provided in much smaller amounts. Testosterone production increases by about 30 times in adolescence and early adulthood. After early adulthood, it is natural that the numbers drop a little every year.

It is said that after the age of 30, it can decrease by 1% every year. Testosterone plays an important role in muscle mass, bones, faces and conspiracies, deeper voice physical development, sexual function, mood and quality of life, language memory and thinking ability, etc. If you're worried about low testosterone, you can consult your doctor. Since it is natural that testosterone levels decrease with age, some symptoms, such as decreased muscle mass, increased body fat, or impotence, may be signs of other conditions.

If a doctor tells you that testosterone replacement therapy is required for low testosterone levels, or for other conditions, you may be interested in increasing testosterone levels. If testosterone levels are normal, there may be no additional benefit from increasing testosterone levels. Benefits associated with normal testosterone were studied only in people with low testosterone levels.

Testosterone-rich food

A small amount of grain helps increase testosterone levels. Grains with wheat bran are especially good. This is because bran is high in magnesium. It has been proven to increase testosterone levels, especially if you exercise regularly.

In particular, the nutritious yolk is said to contain cholesterol, protein, and vitamin D, which are necessary for testosterone production. There is no limit on how many eggs you can eat in a day, but 12 a day is a good standard. Eggs are also said to contain protein for muscle growth. If muscle mass is low due to the side effects of low testosterone, egg intake is even better.

Soy beans rich in magnesium and zinc, which increase testosterone, are also excellent weight loss foods. Being overweight often leads to lower testosterone levels due to fat cells that convert testosterone into estrogen. Chick beans contain about 47 mg of magnesium per 100 g, while black beans contain about 70 mg of magnesium per 100 g. Men between the ages of 19 and 64 need 300 mg of magnesium per day.


Moisturizing pomegranates are also associated with estrogen in women, but they can also increase testosterone levels in men. Experiments have also shown that pomegranates raised testosterone levels by 24%. In 2012, they experimented with pomegranate juice in the United Kingdom. Adding a glass of pomegranate juice to your daily diet is the easiest and convenient way to increase testosterone levels. Pomegranate juice also helps overcome impotence.

Leafy green vegetables
Leafy green vegetables such as spinach, kale, and water parsley are rich in magnesium. Like wheat bran and beans, this health food can help you lose weight while supplying magnesium that increases testosterone. Spinach contains about 79 milligrams of magnesium per 100 grams, which greatly helps to reach 300 milligrams per day.


Nuts and seeds
Nuts and seeds are known to be highly nutritious thanks to their impressive profiles of vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids. Nutty seeds are rich in both magnesium and zinc, two minerals closely related to raising testosterone levels. The easy-to-carry nuts and seeds are also great for fighting hunger.

