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A summary of foods high in vitamin C

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 27.

From pxhere

Foods high in vitamin C

Orange is a representative fruit that naturally comes to mind when it comes to vitamin C, and one normal-sized orange contains about 70mg of vitamin C. Because the recommended daily vitamin C for adults is 100 mg, taking two for oranges can meet the recommended daily dose.

Also, oranges have 44 calories based on 100g, which is low in calories, so you can help with your diet. In addition, tangerines belonging to the orange family contain about 30mg of vitamin C each, so if you eat 3-4 of them, you can meet the recommended daily vitamin C amount.


One cup of cabbage is said to contain 75mg of vitamin C. Red cabbage, which has a red color, is said to have higher vitamin C content than regular green cabbage. Cabbage is a very low calorie food with 25 calories per 100 grams, which is good for dieting, and cabbage itself is the main food, such as cabbage salad, cabbage juice, and steamed cabbage, and it is a food that can be easily encountered in everyday life.

Also, cabbage has an ingredient called glucosinolate, which has an anticancer effect that suppresses cancer cells. It also contains a lot of healthy nutrients such as glutamine, which is good for protecting the stomach, beta-carotene, which is good for eye health, and potassium, which helps control blood pressure.

Paprika is said to contain more vitamin C than orange, which is famous for being a representative food of vitamin C. Green paprika contains 162 mg of vitamin C per 100 and yellow paprika 112 mg of vitamin C.

Paprika contains the highest amount of vitamin C among vegetables, and eating only one can meet the recommended daily vitamin C level for adults. Also, red paprika contains a lot of beta-carotene, which helps with eye and skin health.


Strawberries are famous for their vitamin C-rich fruits and are loved by everyone for their sweet and sour taste and easy access. Vitamin C in strawberries improves blood vessel health and helps improve skin health. In addition, anthocyanin in strawberries is a powerful antioxidant and helps remove toxins and waste products in the body.

Vegetables are also indispensable for foods high in vitamin C. Among vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, and chives contain a lot of vitamin C. These vegetables offer various health benefits because they each have different nutrients as well.

