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Nutrients of mulberry, efficacy of mulberry, buying fresh mulberry

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 28.

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Nutrients of mulberry

Niacin 0.60 mg / sodium 16.00 mg / protein 2.60 g / sugar 9.30 g / beta-carotene 50.00 mg / vitamin A 8.00 mg / vitamin C 5.00 mg / vitamin E 0.30 mg / dietary fiber 0.00g / phosphorus 45.00 mg / potassium 284.00 mg / calcium 45.00 mg, etc., consist of many nutritional ingredients and each has various effects.


The efficacy of mulberry

Digestive health
The mulberry contains a lot of dietary fiber that the body needs to promote proper digestion. Dietary fiber adds volume to the feces of the stomach and promotes the movement of food through the digestive tract, improving digestion. This process helps with constipation, bloating, and stomach cramps. Healthy digestion also helps improve satiety and maintain a healthy weight.

Blood sugar control
Oddy contains fiber, which slows sugar absorption in the bloodstream to prevent blood sugar spikes. It also contains certain compounds and antioxidants that have been found to help with blood sugar levels. In animal studies, mulberry extract was able to significantly lower blood sugar levels in diabetic mice. Some chemicals in Odie lower blood sugar after meals, similar to those in drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes.


Cancer prevention
The mulberry is full of anthocyanidine, which prevents cancer cells. It also contains resveratrol, which has anti-cancer properties, which helps fight colon cancer, skin cancer, prostate cancer and thyroid cancer. Studies have shown that mulberry juice could effectively reduce levels of oxidative damage caused by free radicals in mice.

Another animal study has shown similar results in reducing stress caused by cancer-causing free radicals. In the most recent study, we found that certain compounds extracted from mulberry could be isolated to induce apoptosis in breast cancer cells and slow the growth and spread of tumor cells during life.

Cholesterol level control
Cholesterol is an important fat present in all cells of the body. However, higher blood cholesterol levels increase the risk of heart disease. Most of the fibers found in mulberry are insoluble, but they also contain about 25% of pectin-type water-soluble fibers. Water-soluble fiber has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. In animal studies, providing mulberry extract to hamsters helped lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels.


In addition, it is said that the ratio of LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol can be improved. Certain compounds found in liver health odys can affect liver health. Some in vitro studies have shown that it can help block fat formation in the liver, prevent fat accumulation, and remove fat from the liver.


Buying fresh mulberry

If you want to buy fresh and delicious mulberry, it is better to avoid spoiling or drying the top of the mulberry. It's good to feel chubby when you touch mulberry, and you can buy black or red mulberry, but it's good to have a firm texture without being soft, so please refer to it when you buy it. Mulberry, the fruit of mulberry tree, is still a popular food ingredient for well-being.

