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Abyssinian origin, Abyssinian appearance, Abyssinian personality

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 28.

From pxhere

Abyssinian origin

Abyssinian is a naturally occurring species. So I predict that it might have come from Egypt. The reason is that you can see Abyssinian-like figures in Egyptian murals and statues. DNA testing with modern advanced technology estimates that India and Southeast Asia are of origin.

Abyssinian, who had been around for so long, began to become famous in 1868 when a British soldier brought a cat home from Abyssinia, Ethiopia. So it was also named Abyssinian. Around the same time, Britain's National Cat began to be recognized for its cat ancestry in clubs. In fact, through various processes, Breeders have improved their breeds little by little and are staying next to us in their current form.


Abyssinian appearance

The color of one's hair
The owner of the four charms Abyssinian is a short-haired, short-haired cat with four different kinds of fur.

Hair loss
It looks less hairy than other cats because it is a short hair species. It's not that it doesn't fall out, it doesn't look like it doesn't fall out. Since the hair is short, you can manage glossy hair even if you brush it once or twice a week. Abyssinian, who has a slim, muscular figure like a model, is said to have a really slim figure. I don't think I've ever seen a fat Abyssinian.

I'll explain below that Abyssinian is able to have such a slim figure, but Abyssinian is very curious. So, Abyssinian can't stay still for a moment. So I keep going around the house If you look at it, there are few fat cats.


Abyssinian personality

Abyssinian is very curious. Abyssinian is so sensitive that she gets anxious when she speaks loudly at home and sometimes her personality suddenly becomes fierce.

High intelligence
Abyssinian is a much more intelligent cat. If you compare it to a dog, it can be seen as a border collie in the cat world. That's why it's a cat that can be trained as a favorite snack. Abyssinian can bring the fishing toys he wants, open and close the door, and communicate with the butler to some extent. Also, Abyssinian is very curious because he is smart. So Abyssinian likes to play pranks and has a lot of curiosity, so he tends to go around the house and drop and break things on the desk and table.

