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Causes of dog diarrhea, how to deal with dog diarrhea

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 28.

From pxhere

The cause of dog diarrhea

A bad eating habit
There are many different causes of dog diarrhea. Usually, if you eat bad eating habits and spoiled foreign substances, overeat, or eat food in a hurry, you will have diarrhea.

When food and snacks suddenly change
Also, dogs can have diarrhea when their feed and snacks suddenly change. This is because dog farms need time to adapt to new food changes.
--> Solution: If you change the feed, please mix it little by little and change it slowly.

When you have a disease
If diarrhea such as inflammatory bowel disease, colitis, and hemorrhagic gastroenteritis does not stop for more than a day, dog dehydration can be severe, so you should see a nearby animal hospital.

When infected with parasites
They can have diarrhea when you are infected with parasites. To prevent this, I recommend that you continue to pay parasitic drugs every year.


How to deal with dog diarrhea

If they have mild diarrhea, you should not go to an animal hospital and fast at home. Diarrhea is a sensitive situation in the stomach, so it is necessary to calm the stomach. Fasting for at least 12 to 24 hours is recommended. Dogs can dehydrate quickly, so it's important to keep them well watered.

You should observe the level of activity and appetite in detail while fasting. If it doesn't improve after fasting for up to 24 hours, you must take it to the animal hospital. You should check diarrhea for blood, water, mucus, and any symptoms other than diarrhea. If they vomit, have a fever, feel weak, don't eat well, and continue to have black diarrhea, you should go to the animal hospital immediately.

