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Boston terrier, Boston terrier features, Boston terrier appearance features

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 29.


Boston Terrier


The Boston Terrier is an American-born dog, and the American Cannail Club accepted it as a non-sports breed in 1893, and the American Cannail Club states that color and marking are important as the standard for this breed. There should be a black and white mark, which is a small dog with straight ears, short tails, and the Caenail Club says is very easy to train and intelligent, usually of a kind nature, but can sometimes be stubborn.

Their average lifespan is 11 to 13 years, and in 2019, they announced that the breed was the 21st most popular in the United States, and Boston terriers were born from a cross between bulldogs and bull terriers. The main diseases suffered are cataracts, heart valve disease, epilepsy, myocardial infarction, lung cancer and colon cancer, which were not of high importance to color in the early days.

But since the 20th century, unique colors and patterns have become a standard and must-have feature, and some of their males will attack others if their territory is breached, but their venerable temperament has declined a lot as they have domesticated with humans, and a high school student named Victoria Reid posted a picture of her dog in 2012 after receiving advice from a veterinarian, who went by the name of the dog with the largest eyes due to its overwhelming eye size.


Boston Terrier Features

It has a similar appearance to that of a French bulldog, but if you look closely, there are different parts. If you look at the ears first, you can tell the difference. If the French bulldog has wide ears and round ears, the Boston terrier is characterized by sharp points. The Boston terrier is a puppy that feels cuter because of its appearance, and among them, it is easy to raise.

I think Boston terrier's personality is loved by many small dogs. In general, Boston Terriers are clever and well trained. However, the Boston terrier can be vulnerable to dust due to its large snow, so you should pay attention to the eye health of the Boston terrier. And the short snout can make breathing difficult, making it vulnerable to hot and humid weather.

The Boston terrier is quiet, active outside, sometimes out of control when excited, and has a personality that likes people. So sometimes people can be surprised when taking a walk, so be careful, and Boston terrier is sensitive and jealous. Overall, it is good as a dog. The Boston Terrier was initially aimed at fighting dogs, but through continuous improvement, it became gentle.


There is a difference in the amount of activity required for each type, so Boston terriers should take a steady walk and exercise. In general, he has a friendly and lively Boston terrier personality, is intelligent and has a good attitude. Currently, almost all Boston terriers can be said to be descendants of Jersey. And to this day, more than 100 years later, it is still designated as the official mascot of Boston University, and in 1979 it was chosen as the official dog of Massachusetts. In the 1860s, a cross between a bulldog and a now-extinct white English terrier gave birth to a muscular dog named Jersey.

After that, Jersey in the 1870s took on what is now the Boston terrier seen through selective breeding. It was approved by the Boston Terrier Club in the U.S. in 1893 and was very popular, and it is said to be one of the few pet dogs in the U.S. It is said to have been made into a dog by mating a bulldog and a bulldog in Boston, USA in 1870, and it is a dog that was improved and raised for display and as a pet through mating with a friendly and a French bulldog.


The external features of the Boston terrier

The external characteristic of the Boston terrier is that it grows from 37cm to about 40cm based on an adult dog, and weighs about 7kg to 11kg Boston terriers are classified into three categories according to their weight, while Light is classified according to the weight of less than 7kg and Middle is between 7kg and 9kg, and Heavy is classified according to the weight of 9kg to 11kg.

The body has a hard and tight body, and the head is round and spacious. The ears are thin and thin, and they are said to be standing next to the head. The face is more pronounced, and the eyes are round and protruding, and the color of the pupils is black or dark brown, and the nose is black.


The snout is wide and short, and does not exceed a third of the length of the head. It is said that the neck is short and thick like a dog breed that was improved for fighting dogs, and the chest is well developed. The length of the legs also grows to the right length for the length of the body and has a good balance. The waist is short and the muscles are well developed, so you can hardly find wrinkles in the body.

The tail of the Boston terrier gets thinner toward the end and is said to be located below.The Boston terrier dog's fur is a short-haired species, with a glossy short coat, most of its body covered with black fur, and white fur on its chest, reminiscent of wearing a tuxedo. Boston terriers are not a breed that loses a lot of hair, so if you take care of Boston terriers' hair with a brush from time to time, you can manage them without much difficulty.

Short-haired short-haired short-haired, but Boston terriers are very vulnerable to summer heat, so you have to pay a lot of attention to temperature control in summer In addition, the eyes are protruding, so they are easily exposed to eye diseases, so it is necessary to manage them through constant checkups.

