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A summary of the effectiveness of strawberries

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 29.

I would like to take a time to introduce strawberries that are in season these days. I love strawberries, so I think it'll be a fun post! Then let's go find out right away. Let's get it!!


From : Pixabay.com


1. Antioxidant action

Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties. Just eating 8 strawberries a day can satisfy the recommended daily vitamin C. Vitamin C is known to prevent aging of cells in the body and synthesize collagen. It would be great to eat strawberries rich in vitamin C like this consistently!


2. It's the best for your eyes

Anthocyanin, a natural pigment that produces the red color of strawberries, prevents cancer cell proliferation. It also plays a role in lowering cholesterol levels to prevent cardiovascular diseases Many people use smartphones these days, so eye health is important! Since anthocyanin also resynthesizes retinal cells in your eyes, it is said to help protect your eyes' health!


3. Effective in preventing cancer
Studies have shown that antioxidants in strawberries act against free radicals, inhibiting tumor growth and reducing inflammation in the body. No fruit works as a direct cure for cancer, but strawberries are said to be effective in reducing the risk of some people getting sick!

4. It's the best for controlling blood pressure!

Because of its high potassium content, strawberries can offset the effect of sodium and help people at high risk of high blood pressure. Most people maintain a diet that is below the recommended daily limit, and strawberries are a good fruit to help people get more potassium from their diet!

5. Strawberries to relieve constipation

Consuming fruits such as strawberries, grapes, and watermelons, which are high in moisture and fiber, will keep your body hydrated and maintain regular bowel movements! Fiber is said to be essential for minimizing constipation and adding volume to the stool!! If you're constipated, you should take it?

