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Let's learn about retrievers! (Everything about dog retrievers)

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 29.

In this post, we would like to take a time to find out about dog breed retrievers. It's a huge dog breed, but I think it's a dog that many people like because it follows people really well and is obedient. Also, it has a super cute appearance, so it's one of the breeds I really want to raise. Then follow me right away!

From Pixabay

Tell me about the retriever breed!

The breed of retrievers we know a lot about are golden retrievers and Labrador retrievers. The Golden Retriever is a dog breed that originated in the Scottish region of the United Kingdom. It usually grows up to 50 to 60 centimeters and weighs nearly 20 to 40 kilograms. Because of his submissive personality, he is also being raised as a guide dog. What trainer Kang Hyung-wook said, which everyone who has a dog knows, is also famous. They say, "They're so nice, they're nice!" so you know they're angel dogs. Retriever likes people so much that they wag their tails and welcome people who are not their owners.

Also, retrievers were originally trained to bring hunted animals into their mouths when their owners hunt. So, retrievers love to play with their owners throwing something at them. I think they enjoy those things by nature. And it is famous for having high intelligence among dogs. Retriever is one of the most intelligent breeds along with smart ones like Border Collie. Also, because of their good sociality, retrievers get along well with other breeds of dog. Also, there are webbed feet. Retriever loves to swim thanks to their flippers, so we also call them "watertrivers" a lot!


Is there a disadvantage of retrievers?

Litbearers are not human, so they can't act like humans. Because it is one of the puppies, it has the disadvantage of a dog breed. For example, you may have separation anxiety, or you may make a mess of things in your home. Retriever have a strong bite, so when you go out, it's essential to have enough snacks, nose-walking and toys. Also, he has a natural sense of rank. If a dog you don't know suddenly jumps in, it may be nice, but it can hurt you by biting it, so if you want to adopt a retriever, you'd better keep that in mind.


Please let me know what I should be careful about when raising retrievers!

First of all, retrievers are big dogs. It weighs at least 25kg, so it might be hard for women to raise it alone. Also, in our country, most of them will be kept indoors. If you raise it indoors, you can shed a lot of hair due to the nature of the dog that molts. That's why I want to say that air purifiers are essential. Also, retrievers love swimming, so those who have relatively enough time to take care of their dogs should keep them. There's a lot of energy in the body, so if you don't release it, the retriever can really mess up the house.

Today, we learned about retrievers. It's probably a breed that many people want to raise because of its cute appearance and good personality. However, unprepared adoption only brings bad luck. You need to find out a lot, and you need to be able to afford it. Once a retriever gets sick, it costs a lot of money. Still, having a dog that only looks at me means that there is a place to lean on. I hope you think about it carefully, prepare yourself, and adopt it! Thank you!

