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Maltese origin, Maltese appearance and features, Maltese personality, Maltese fur management and features

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 29.

출처 : pxhere

The origin of Maltese

The Maltese originated in Malta, located in the Mediterranean Sea south of Italy. It's a historical ancient variety, and the literature around 300 BC mentions the Maltese, and it's surprisingly a naturally occurring species, not a cross. It has been loved by aristocrats all over the world, with records in Egypt and Greece of building graves and feeding them on gold utensils for their beloved Maltese, and has a long history of dog painting.

Maltese, who came to Europe via Italy and France, was loved by noble ladies in the 15th century, and Queen Victoria of England raised Maltese in the 19th century. Initially, Maltese existed in many colors, including gray, brown, and black, but now there are only white varieties left, and it is said that Maltese mixed with brown exists rare.


Maltese appearance and features

They are usually 20 to 25 centimeters tall and weigh 1.8 to 3.2 kilograms. It has a round head and has a short snout. He is active and likes to play, has a lot of aegyo, and has a strong loyalty to his guardian. When the owner returns from the outside, he jumps up and down and greets his guardian. And because they are quick-witted, they sensitively detect the emotions and minds of their guardians.

Maltese is stubborn and self-assertive, so if you uncomfortable with Maltese, such as cutting toenails or cleaning ears, Maltese may react aggressively to his guardian by revealing it. It is better not to overprotect, and Maltese is likely to develop separation anxiety because she feels lonely a lot. They are also curious and aggressive, so they can run and bite strangers or other animals, so special attention is needed.

He is also sensitive to hearing, so he may react to small sounds and bark in vain. Socialization training and rule training are essential from puppy days. Learning ability is not fast, and Stanley Coren's book says learning ability is 59th out of 79 breeds. The color of the fur is almost white, but it is also rare brown.

It is said that there is little hair loss, and it is pretty, soft, and has hair. Since there is a possibility of contamination, it is necessary to wipe tears around the eyes and eating marks around the mouth in order to maintain pretty fur. It is recommended to brush once a day because the hair continues to grow as a mother-in-law. The fur covers the ears, so you need to keep their ears in care. The typical lifespan is 12 to 16 years.







Maltese personality

He is very active and likes to play. He is quiet and gentle, but he is quick-witted and sensitive to changes in his guardian's emotions. This is not for myself because I tend to express my opinion clearly. When I want to, I express my opinion somewhat violently. There are many people who run into strangers because they are curious and aggressive.

Maltese is so wary that there is a myth that he played a role of snarling when a suspicious person came while sitting on your wife's lap, and he also has a strong characteristic of becoming energetic on his guardian's lap. When you encounter Maltese while taking a walk, they often bark recklessly. Due to the nature of small dogs that are easily injured even by small shocks, human senses react sensitively to small object movements and small sounds. Maltese, in particular, who lack socialization, can bark better with a little stimulus.


Maltese fur management and features

Maltese belong to a small dog that doesn't lose its hair, but it's not relatively easy to manage. It's not a big problem if you cut Maltese hair short, but if you grow Maltese hair long, you have to brush it every day. Otherwise, there is a high risk of ear disease if not managed because Maltese's hair gets tangled or their ears are covered with hair.

Also, Maltese's fur is white, so it is highly likely to be contaminated. There may be a lot of brown tear marks around Maltese's eyes and mouth, and you need to cleanse the tears around Maltese's eyes and mouth. You also need to pay attention to the length of the hair around Maltese's eyes, because long hair can poke your eyes. In particular, Maltese is a dog breed that has a genetic eye-related disease, so more attention should be paid to it.

It is vulnerable to most diseases that small dogs can suffer from, so there are more difficulties than you think when raising them. Maltese is a breed of dog with a lot of activity compared to its size. Maltese does not have a lot of stamina, but it is recommended to take a walk more than once a day, 30 minutes to an hour. If Maltese can't go for a walk, he should relieve his stress by playing ball and playing tug at home.

