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Health & Eat

Let's learn about the effectiveness of onions!

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 18.

Today, I'd like to take a moment to learn about my favorite vegetable onion. Personally, I really like onions, so when I go to a meat restaurant, I eat them four to five times. Let's get it!


Onion is a blood vessel cleaner

Onion quercetin is said to be very good for our blood vessels. It is said to inhibit the accumulation of fat and cholesterol in blood vessels. In other words, it greatly helps to prevent high blood pressure. In addition, emulsified propylalin, a chemical that produces a unique "spicy taste" of onions, is said to reduce triglycerides and cholesterol in our body. In other words, it's really the best vegetable for diabetics. It is also effective in preventing complications because it prevents sticky blood.

You can eat any onion

It is said that there is no significant difference in nutritional content of onions even if they are cooked or heated over a gas fire. Also, since the skin contains much higher quercetin than the skin of an onion, those who eat onions for health purposes should try eating more onion skins!

Let's cook in 15 minutes

Leave onions at room temperature for 15 to 30 minutes rather than immediately after cutting them out with a knife. When oxygen and onions meet, the compounds that produce the spicy ingredients of onions turn into enzymes that produce beneficial ingredients in the body. In other words, it is said to be effective in improving metabolism and preventing blood clots.

Let's fry the onions in oil!

Unlike other fruits, onions are better to fry in oil than to eat raw. Because of the previous reason. This is because the chemicals that give onions a spicy taste meet oxygen when roasted in oil and turn them into chemicals that produce enzymes that are good for the human body. Let's stir-fry onions in oil!

Onions are meticulous cleaners

Eating onions is said to be very helpful not only for large blood vessels, but also for the function of capillaries. What a great friend!

Onions are insulin factories

It is said that eating onions can secrete insulin better in our body. If you're really diabetic, make sure to eat one a day!

Onion is a complication fixer

Onions are said to be very helpful in overcoming complications caused by diabetes. In addition, it is said to be a friend who greatly helps prevent and treat kidney disease by improving the function of the kidneys.

It's the best for losing weight

Onions are also said to be effective for dieting. At this point, there's nothing you can't do.

The best of onions is no side effects no matter how much you eat!

I think it's the best advantage of onions. Onions don't have side effects no matter how much you eat. It's the best vegetable because only good things continue to accumulate.

