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Health & Eat

Let's learn about cranberries!

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 19.


Hello, I'm Hun Reels.

Today, we would like to take a time to find out about cranberries. I eat oatmeal or cereal very often. It's always cranberries that are included in the components. So I'd like to take some time to find out about this. Then let's get it!


From : Pixabay


Where are you from?

Cranberries are mainly produced in North America. It is said that it is often processed into juice or jam because of its low sweetness and strong sour taste. In other words, you can see it as a strong red strawberry with a lot of sour taste. Also, it is grown from September to November, so I think it is best to eat it when it is in season. We always bring fruits in season, too! It doesn't matter if it's dried, but if you eat it raw, make sure to take care of the season!



How many calories do you have?

Cranberries are usually said to have 46 kcal per 100 grams. It is said to be one of the most popular fruits in North America. In addition, it is one of the top three most popular fruits in North America and is one of the must-eat fruits on days such as Thanksgiving.


It's also good for bladder inflammation?

Cranberries contain a chemical called proanthocyanidin. This chemical prevents bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract wall, so I recommend that you take it if you have a bladder-related disease.





It's good for your eyes, too!

Cranberries are rich in 'proantocyanin' and 'vitamin'. These chemicals are related to eye health. It is suitable for treating eye diseases such as night blindness.



It's the best for losing weight!

Cranberries are rich in nutrients and low in calories. It's a great dish to mix with diet salad. For those who usually use sweet salad sauce, it would be good to eat it with cranberries!



A panacea against aging

Cranberry's quesetine is said to be excellent in preventing cell aging. Also, it cleans your blood vessels and is good for your blood circulation, so I recommend you to eat little by little for your health!



How much do I have to eat?

The recommended daily amount is 25 grams. It's about 1.2g weight per weight, so it's recommended to eat less than 20 pills. It's very hard to eat raw. It has a very strong sour taste. I recommend you eat it dry or jam!





