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Health & Eat

Let's learn about lettuce! (Efficacy, Effectiveness, Calories, Side Effects)

by 베어훈릴스 2023. 11. 19.

Hello, I'm Hun Reels.


Today, we would like to take a time to learn about lettuce. I've gained so much weight lately, so I'm on a diet with salad. I'd like to take some time to find out about this. Then let's get it!


From Pixabay

What are the lettuce?

Lettuce is a vegetable. It looks similar to cabbage, but there is a difference in texture. It is a vegetable that is often used in Western cuisine, and it is used in salads, sandwiches, hamburgers, etc. It's rarely used in Korean cuisine, but nowadays, many people enjoy eating salad, so it's been reborn as one of the vegetables that Koreans love!



It's the best diet food

Lettuce is a vegetable that is recommended for dieters because it contains only 13 kcal of calories per 100g. Moisture accounts for more than 90% of the components. Also, it has a lot of dietary fiber, so it is good for removing waste from the body, and I think it's a really good diet friend to give you a feeling of fullness.



Insomnia, go away!

Lettuce is a special medicine for insomnia. Lactucerin and Lactucin, chemicals in lettuce, are said to have hypnotic and analgesic effects. If you are suffering from insomnia, I think it is good to eat cabbage for your meal.



Lettuce for bone health!

It is said that lettuce contains vitamin D. Vitamin D is said to be effective in strengthening bones and strengthening bone density by helping calcium absorb quickly in the body. In addition, vitamin K in lettuce is also said to help bone health by suppressing calcium from being excreted from our body.


Best for blood circulation

It is said to help smooth blood circulation and promote metabolism. In addition, it is said that blood circulation is facilitated, helping to prevent vascular diseases. I think you should eat often for your health!


The side effects of lettuce

In this way, lettuce has several effects, but there are also side effects, and lactucerin and lactucerin, which are contained in a large amount in lettuce, have excellent effects in stabilizing the mind and body and improving insomnia. However, excessive intake can cause drowsiness due to hypnosis, so it is recommended to eat an appropriate amount in the morning or during the day. If you fall asleep while working, you'll be in trouble!!



Which lettuce should I choose?

When choosing lettuce, it is better to avoid being too heavy or too light and choose a moderate weight! Choose one with bright green leaves and a glossy glow Also, pick a lettuce that has the right weight because the heavy ones are too overgrown and the light ones are undercooked!


