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Causes of high blood pressure, symptoms of high blood pressure, how to lower blood pressure, food that is good for high blood pressure What is high blood pressure? There are two types of blood pressure: systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. Blood is sent throughout the body, where the heart acts like a pump When the heart contracts, a large amount of blood is sent, which puts great pressure on the blood vessels. The maximum blood pressure when the heart sends blood is called systolic blood pressure. Conversely, .. 2023. 11. 21.
Causes, symptoms, types, transmission, treatment, complications of conjunctivitis Recently, I heard that an acquaintance I was close to had conjunctivitis. Certainly, when winter comes, people around you often see people with conjunctivitis. Today, we will take a time to learn about these conjunctivitis. What is conjunctivitis? Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. Your eyes are red, swollen, and you get a lot of eye boogers, and it can be caused by bacteria a.. 2023. 11. 21.
Dry eyes, cause, prevention, symptoms, treatment As winter comes, my eyes feel very dry compared to summer. Many people around me are suffering from dry eyes. Today, let's learn about dry eyes and learn how to prevent them! What is dry eye? Dry eye syndrome is a disease that can be easily found in modern people and is called dry eye syndrome or dry eye syndrome in Korea. In other words, it can be described as the feeling of rolling grains of s.. 2023. 11. 21.
The cause of bad breath, food that is good for bad breath If you're wearing a mask, you'll feel something. It's your bad breath. I've prepared a post today for those people. Today, let's learn about the causes of bad breath and the foods that are good for bad breath. The cause of bad breath In fact, the causes of bad breath are so diverse that it cannot be characterized. In general, of course, it depends on the condition in the mouth. The most common r.. 2023. 11. 20.