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Acne, adolescent acne, adult acne causes, helpful habits I think everyone has used acne stickers at least once to make them look good to adolescent children. It's a very important time to take care of your skin these days. In order to know the enemy of acne, I think you need to know the cause in detail. Let's find out about it together! The cause of acne Hormones The exact cause of acne is not known, but there are more than one cause. During puberty, .. 2023. 11. 19.
Pepper efficacy, history, side effects When I make fried eggs, I always sprinkle pepper on them. It would be surprising if you've never eaten it like this before, but if you actually make it like this, it's really delicious. Today, we're going to learn about these peppers. History of Pepper Pepper has a long history and is one of the spices. Around 400 B.C., Arabian merchants spread the word to Europe, and through this, dishes with p.. 2023. 11. 19.
Regarding the efficacy of sweet pumpkin (immunity, blood vessels, stomach, swelling, skin improvement, grooming) Hello. It snowed tremendously last night, and today, of course, it was incredibly cold. When I went out in the morning, I didn't even take a few steps, but my ears almost fell. In the suddenly cold weather, subscribers, be careful not to catch a cold. Today, I prepared a post to find out about sweet pumpkin. Let's go find out together! Calories from sweet pumpkin I think most of the people who c.. 2023. 11. 19.
Our friend Tofu story! (Tofu's efficacy summary) Hello, I'm Hun Reels. Today, we would like to take a time to learn about the efficacy of tofu. If you're Korean, it's tofu that's disappointing if you don't have kimchi stew and soybean paste stew, so I think many people like it. Let's get it GOOD for preventing dementia Tofu is said to be excellent in preventing dementia because it contains a lot of lecithin, making the brain healthy, and isofl.. 2023. 11. 19.