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Symptoms of constipation, cause of constipation, good food for constipation There's a disease that's causing a lot of pain to modern people who are sitting down a lot. It's constipation. Today, let's learn more about how to relieve constipation! What is constipation? Constipation is one of the common diseases experienced by 5% to 20% of the world's population. Constipation usually refers to cases in which stool is less than once every three to four days when bowel movem.. 2023. 11. 20.
Causes of pneumonia, symptoms of pneumonia, how to treat pneumonia What kind of disease is pneumonia? Pneumonia is an inflammation caused by microorganisms invading the lungs and usually occurs within days to a week after infection. Pneumonia caused by bacteria or viruses is the most common, and there are rare cases of pneumonia caused by fungi or parasites. Most of them are caused by pathogens that settle and colonize the oral cavity or nasopharynx penetrating.. 2023. 11. 20.
Causes of panic disorder and how to deal with it What is panic disorder? Anxiety can manifest as the body's normal response to stress. If anxiety is primarily a fear of vague dangers to come in the future, fear is a fear of threats you know now. Panic disorder refers to a state of severe fear that suddenly experiences severe fear that paralyzes rational thinking. And panic attack refers to a form of anxiety that is overwhelmed with fear of dea.. 2023. 11. 20.
Management of colorectal cancer causes, symptoms, and early symptoms What is colon cancer? Colorectal cancer is the development of cancer cells in the intestine. Colorectal cancer occurs a lot in older people, so aging can be seen as a cause of occurrence. Also, it is confirmed that eating habits have a big impact. It is said that if you continue to eat foods high in animal fat or frequently eat products processed with meat, you are more likely to develop colon c.. 2023. 11. 20.